studio collaboration

travels regularly to lead Shiva Yoga® Teacher Training programs, weekend intensives, workshops, master classes, and present at yoga festivals & conferences around the world.  If you would like to collaborate with us and host a Shiva Yoga® 200hr or 300hr Teacher Training program, a 50hr Continuing Education Intensive Program, a Weekend Intensive, or individual Workshops or Master Classes at your studio, or have Garth present at your festival or conference, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page and/or reach out to us with any questions, ideas, and offers to collaborate: or 310-800-8614.

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3 Day Shiva Vinyasa® Foundational Weekend Intensive Training

The 3 Day Shiva Vinyasa® Foundational Weekend Intensive Training gives students a chance to experience the foundational Shiva Vinyasa® Level 1, 2 & 3 sequences and learn more about anatomy and asana breakdown with two Shiva Yoga® workshops.  


Friday: 7-8:30pm - SHIVA VINYASA® LEVEL 1 CLASS


Saturday: 9-10:30am - SHIVA VINYASA® LEVEL 2 CLASS



Sunday: 9-10:45am - SHIVA VINYASA® LEVEL 3 CLASS


3 Day Shiva Flow™ All-Levels Weekend Intensive Training

The 3 Day Shiva Flow™ All-Levels Weekend Intensive Training gives students a chance to experience several Shiva Yoga® classes and two Shiva Yoga® workshops spread out over one weekend.  


Friday: 7-8:30pm - SHIVA FLOW™ CLASS


Saturday: 9-10:30am - SHIVA FLOW™ CLASS
Saturday: 11-12pm - SHIVA REST™ CLASS

Saturday: 2-5pm - SHIVA YOGA® WORKSHOP


Sunday: 9-10:30am - SHIVA FLOW™ CLASS
Saturday: 11-12pm - SHIVA REST™ CLASS

Sunday: 2-5pm - SHIVA YOGA® WORKSHOP

3 Day Shiva Power® Advanced Weekend Intensive Training

The 3 Day Shiva Power® Advanced Weekend Intensive Training gives students a chance to experience several Shiva Yoga® classes and three Shiva Yoga® workshops spread out over one weekend. 


Friday: 8-10am - SHIVA POWER® CLASS
Friday: 11-12pm - SHIVA REST™ CLASS

Friday - 2-5pm - SHIVA YOGA® WORKSHOP


Saturday: 8-10am - SHIVA POWER® CLASS
Saturday: 11-12pm - SHIVA REST™ CLASS

Saturday: 2-5pm - SHIVA YOGA® WORKSHOP


Sunday: 8-10am - SHIVA POWER® CLASS
Saturday: 11-12pm - SHIVA REST™ CLASS

Sunday: 2-5pm - SHIVA YOGA® WORKSHOP

2 Day Shiva Yoga® Hip Opening Weekend Intensive Training

The 2 Day Shiva Yoga® Hip Opening Weekend Intensive Training gives students a chance to learn more about the hip joint.  Students will warm up with a Shiva Flow™ class each morning and then dive deeper into their practice with a Shiva Yoga® hip opening workshop each day before lunch.  Afternoon’s will consist of five Shiva Deep® deep stretching classes, with a discussion and Q&A on Sunday. 


Saturday: 8-9:30am - SHIVA FLOW™ CLASS

Saturday: 2-3pm - SHIVA DEEP™ CLASS
Saturday: 3-4pm - SHIVA DEEP™ CLASS
Saturday: 4-5pm - SHIVA DEEP™ CLASS


Sunday: 8-9:30am - SHIVA FLOW™ CLASS


Saturday: 2-3pm - SHIVA DEEP™ CLASS
Saturday: 3-4pm - SHIVA DEEP™ CLASS
Saturday: 4-5pm - DISCUSSION & Q&A

3 Day Shiva Rest® Yoga Nidra Weekend Intensive Training

The 3 Day Shiva Rest® Yoga Nidra Weekend Intensive Training gives students a chance to learn more about yoga nidra guided meditation, experience partner Dyad exercises and take a number of Shiva Rest® hour-long yoga nidra classes.    


Friday: 7-8:00pm - SHIVA REST™ CLASS


Saturday: 11-12pm - SHIVA REST™ CLASS

Saturday: 2-4pm - DYAD DEMO & PARTNER DYAD
Saturday: 4-5pm - SHIVA REST™ CLASS


Saturday: 11-12pm - SHIVA REST™ CLASS

Saturday: 2-4pm - DYAD DEMO & PARTNER DYAD
Saturday: 4-5pm - SHIVA REST™ CLASS

2 Day Shiva Yoga® Pranayama & Meditation Weekend Intensive Training 

The 2 Day Shiva Yoga® Pranayama & Meditation Weekend Intensive Training gives students a chance to explore the deeper practices of pranayama and meditation.    


Saturday: 8-9:30am - SHIVA FLOW™ CLASS®



Saturday: 8-9:30am - SHIVA FLOW™ CLASS®



Shiva Breath™ Class 

Shiva Breath™ classes introduce students to breathing practices, specific hand positions and energetic locks.  Students learn to work with energy, process and release tension, and find balance, and ultimately to turn inward, let go of the body and the mind and experience a deeper connection to the true nature of the Self.  This class is suitable for all levels and is excellent for those who are new to breathing practices, want to build a daily breathing practice routine, and for anyone who is looking to reduce stress, promote healing, find more rest and relaxation, and for those who want to experience a deeper state of Being and Awareness.  


Shiva Deep™ Class

Shiva Deep™ classes offer students the chance to increase flexibility by releasing muscular tension and tension in related connective tissues.  These classes are suitable for all levels and provide students with the opportunity for a deep stretch with long holds in only a few poses.  Setting intentions and practicing gratitude, students move through a short warmup and then practice a deep stretch sequence.  Long holds allow for a deep release of muscular tension and tension in the related connective tissues and encourage the relaxation response.  Students practice going into the fire, staying present, and letting go of the distractions of the mind.  This class concludes with a final rest and seated meditation.  

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Shiva Flow™ Class

Shiva Flow™ classes are perfect for all levels and offer students the chance to explore some intermediate and advanced poses and sequencing.  Student’s practice additional Sun salutations at the beginning of class and there are no inversions.  Setting intentions and practicing gratitude, students move through a challenging and balanced sequence, with an emphasis on practicing concentration and surrender.  Sun salutations and a warmup sequence lead to deeper backbends, spinal twists, and forward folds.  Students practice going into the fire, staying present, and letting go of the distractions of the mind.  This class concludes with a short final rest and seated meditation.   


Shiva Meditation® Class

Shiva Meditation® classes introduce students to seated concentration and meditation techniques.  Students practice concentration on a single object, followed by meditation without an object, and learn to focus the mind, let go of the outer world and the body, turn inward, and ultimately to let go of the mind itself and experience a deeper connection to the true nature of the Self.  This class is suitable for all levels and is excellent for those who are new to meditation, want to build a daily meditation routine, and for anyone who is looking to reduce stress, promote healing, find more rest and relaxation, and for those who want to experience a deeper state of Being and Awareness.   


Shiva Power® Class

Shiva Power® classes give intermediate and advanced students the chance to deepen their practice and allow more time for students to work on advanced poses and sequencing.  Setting intentions and practicing gratitude, students move through a challenging and balanced sequence, with an emphasis on practicing concentration and surrender.  Sun salutations and a challenging warmup sequence lead to deeper inversions, backbends, spinal twists, and forward folds.  Students practice going into the fire, staying present, and letting go of the distractions of the mind.  This class concludes with an extended final rest and seated meditation.  Advanced variations will be taught for advanced students, and modifications will be offered for beginners.



Shiva Rest® classes offer students the chance to experience a full-length guided yoga Nidra meditation practice.  Yoga Nidra is sometimes referred to as psychic sleep or deep relaxation with inner awareness.  Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique in which students learn to relax consciously while sitting in a comfortable seated position or lying in a comfortable resting position.  Students practice a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation, learning to let go of the outer world and the body, and turn inward, and ultimately to let go of the mind and experience a deeper connection to the true nature of the Self.  This class is suitable for all levels and is excellent for those who are new to meditation and for anyone who is looking to reduce stress, promote healing, find more rest and relaxation, and for those who want to experience a deeper state of Being and Awareness.   


Shiva Vinyasa® Class

Shiva Vinyasa® classes offer students the chance to build a foundation.  These classes are suitable for all level of practitioners and introduce students to the Shiva Yoga® style and system of practice.   Setting intentions and practicing gratitude, students move through a challenging and balanced sequence, with an emphasis on practicing concentration and surrender.  Sun salutations and a warmup sequence lead to inversions, backbends, spinal twists, and forward folds.  Students practice going into the fire, staying present, and letting go of the distractions of the mind.  This class concludes with a final rest and seated meditation.  


Shiva Sadhana™

The "best of the best" that yoga has to offer.  A celebration of yoga which honors Garth’s teacher’s -- Sri Dharma Mittra, Srivatsa Ramaswami, Annie Carpenter, Dr. Larry Payne and others.  This class begins with a philosophy discussion, as well as special breathing practices and cleansing techniques.  Setting intentions and practicing gratitude, students move through a challenging and balanced sequence, with an emphasis on practicing concentration and surrender.  Sun salutations and a challenging warmup lead to deeper inversions, backbends, spinal twists, and forward folds.  Students practice going into the fire, staying present, and letting go of the distractions of the mind.  There will be lots of fun partner yoga and some fun acro yoga variations.  This class concludes with an extended final rest with guided yoga Nidra meditation, followed by seated concentration & meditation practices, and a special demo offering. 


Psychic Development Technique

This program teaches a special series of mental exercises to improve your psychic abilities and learn to project your thoughts. They include specific breathing exercises, powerful mantras and directed visualizations. These ancient techniques have been passed down only by word of mouth, from teacher to disciple, and continue to be shared that way today by Sri Dharma Mittra and those taught the method by him.

Anatomy Workshop

The word anatomy literally means to ‘cut up into pieces’.  The study of anatomy allows us to look at things individually so that we can better understand the whole picture.  Understanding the microcosm helps us to understand the macrocosm.  By understanding the individual parts of ourselves better, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves as a whole person. 

Do you want to deepen your knowledge of your body and understand what is happening in your body in different yoga poses?  What muscles are being stretched?  What muscles are being strengthened?  

This workshop will help students understand the different structures in their bodies, how these structures are connected and relate to each other and how each is used in a modern yoga class.  Students will learn an overview of anatomy and anatomical terms, learn about common structures of the body, explore planes of movement, directions of movement, the spine, different types of joints, and look more closely at the musculoskeletal system, muscular contraction, the anatomy of movement, applying anatomy to yoga, and common yoga related injuries.  

*This workshop is suitable for all levels. Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about anatomy and alignment.  

Arm Balancing Workshop

Is strength holding you back from achieving that arm balance pose?  Or is it flexibility?  Find out what you need to do to take your arm balance practice to the next level.  Students will review anatomy and discuss sequencing and the purpose of arm balancing in a yoga class.  All arm balance poses are essentially Plank Pose and Low Plank Pose combined with other poses.  Students will review the ‘Tug of War’ actions in the body and break down the Plank Pose and the Low Plank Pose, and the transition between them.  We will study the different families of poses that each arm balance belongs to and learn what is holding us back in each pose.  There will be lots of time to practice as we move through the workshop pose by pose, breaking down the most common arm balances found in a modern yoga class.

*Suitable for all levels. Advanced variations and transitions from inversions and downward dog will be taught for intermediate and advanced students, and there will be modifications and preparation poses for beginners. 

Awakening the Kundalini Workshop

Do you want to learn more about Hatha Yoga and Tantra philosophy?  What’s the Kundalini?  Why do we do pranayama in yoga?  What are the mudras and bandhas and why do we practice them?

Students will explore Tantra philosophy, Hatha Yoga, the chakra system and the subtle body, learn different mudras and bandhas, and practice specific techniques designed to awaken the Kundalini force.  

*Suitable for all levels. Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about yoga, pranayama, Hatha Yoga and Tantra philosophy, and awakening the Kundalini. 

Concentration & Meditation Workshop

Do you want to start a meditation practice? Do you want to learn more about the philosophy which informs the practice of yoga?  What is concentration?  What is meditation?  What is Samadhi?  Who was Pantanjali?  

Students will review yoga philosophy, discuss Ashtanga Yoga & Raja Yoga, the difference between concentration, meditation, and Samadhi, the goal of meditation, meditation in the Yoga Sutras, learn about meditation postures, recommended guidelines, and about the many benefits of having a regular meditation practice in your life. 

*Suitable for all levels.  Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about yoga, meditation, and anyone who wants to develop a meditation practice.

Core Strength Workshop

Having a strong core is essential in order to master challenging balancing poses, especially inversions like the headstand and handstand.  A strong core is empowering, gives us confidence, and helps to promote healthy boundaries.  Core exercises are challenging and they take us into the fire, creating a lot of tapas and helping to train the mind to concentrate.  

Students will review anatomy, learn the core muscles, their function, how they are used in different poses, and discuss sequencing and the purpose of the core exercises in a yoga class.  Learn how to stabilize your low back with core bracing techniques, how to engage the transverse abdominus and other deep core muscles, and take a closer look at the muscles used during respiration, pranayama, and the advanced bandha & mudra practices.  

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  Students are encouraged to work at their own pace. There will be modifications for beginners.  Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about their core.

Deep Back Bending Workshop

Learn why having a healthy spine is so important to living a long and healthy life!  

Yoga teaches us to keep the spine flexible and strong.  After the age of twenty-five, the spinal discs no longer receive blood supply.  To keep them healthy, we need to move the body.  Back bending, forward folding, twisting, and doing inversions, are all essential to taking care of your spine and staying strong and flexible as you age.  

Students will review anatomy, learn about the muscles involved in back bending, breakdown beginner, intermediate, and advanced poses, and discuss sequencing and the purpose of back bending in a yoga class, and in general.  

Backbends are energizing, uplifting, and improve our well-being.  If you are feeling down or depressed, backbends can help lift you up.  And backbends are essential for anyone who spends hours a day sitting at a desk, in the car, or in front of the T.V. or a computer, with the hips and spine in flexion.  

When you backbend it is essential to use your core muscles to stabilize the low back and prevent injury.  Students will learn how to backbend safely and how to approach any backbend with confidence and enthusiasm.  Healthy and safe ways to explore deeper backbends will also be covered. 

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  You don’t need to be an advanced yogi to attend.  Advanced variations and poses will be taught for intermediate and advanced students and there will be lots of modifications and easier poses for beginners.  Excellent for yoga teachers and yoga students, and for anyone who wants to learn more about back bending safely, and who wants to improve their strength and flexibility, live a longer and healthier life, and prevent future injuries. 

Deep Forward Folding Workshop

You do not need to be a flexible yogi to attend!  

One of the reasons we need to stretch the muscles on the back of the legs and to open the hips is to protect the low back, create more balance in the body, and to prevent future injuries.  

Forward folding poses help to stretch the back of the leg muscles, and the muscles of the hips, and the low back.  Learn how to practice safely in these poses and learn why forward folding poses can be some of the most dangerous poses in a yoga class but also how these poses can help to prevent future low back injuries.

Students will review anatomy, learn about the muscles involved in forward folding, practice beginner, intermediate, and advanced poses, and explore the purpose of forward folding poses in a yoga class, how to practice these poses safely, and why you might want to stretch the back of your leg muscles and open your hips to protect your low back, and in general.  

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  Students will learn how to stretch and strengthen specific muscles in their body, how to create more balance, and how to specifically open the muscles in the back of their legs and hips, and prevent injuries.  This workshop is excellent for yoga teachers and yoga students but also for anyone who wants to learn more forward folding and how to prevent future injuries, especially to the low back.   

Deep Twisting Workshop

Twisting poses help to stretch and strengthen the hips, the core muscles, spinal erectors and muscles of the mid and upper back.  These poses can be used to prepare the spine for deep back bending poses, are good for digestion and elimination, and help keep the spine healthy.  Twisting poses are naturally balancing and are a symbol of perfect balance in Hatha Yoga.

Students will review anatomy, learn about the muscles involved in twisting, practice beginner, intermediate, and advanced poses, and explore the purpose of twisting poses in a yoga class, and how to practice these poses safely.

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  Excellent for yoga teachers and yoga students but also for anyone who wants to practice more deep twisting poses,  feel the benefits of these poses in their body, and find more balance.  

Handstand Workshop

Learn how to balance on your hands!  

This workshop is for anyone interested in building confidence and strength, and who wants to learn how to do a Handstand.  You do not already have to be able to do a Handstand in order to participate.  

Students will review anatomy, learn about the muscles involved in the handstand, and breakdown the pose.  Several techniques will be taught to help students learn how to kick up into the pose and to find balance in the middle of the room.  There will be lots of time to practice.  

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  Advanced variations will be taught for intermediate and advanced students, and modifications and preparation poses for beginners.  Some challenging and fun partner exercises will help each student learn to trust and gain confidence and courage.  This workshop is excellent for yoga teachers and yoga students but also for anyone who has an interest in learning how to do a Handstand.  This pose is more accessible than you might think.  With proper guidance and instruction you can learn to balance on your hands too!

Hatha Yoga Cleansing Workshop

Do you want to learn more about Hatha Yoga and cleansing?

Students will explore Hatha Yoga philosophy, review the chakra system, learn about tapas and going into the fire in order to cleanse, learn different beginner, intermediate, and advanced cleansing techniques, and practice specific techniques designed to prepare the body and the subtle body for asana and pranayama.  

*Suitable for all levels.  Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about Hatha Yoga cleasning. 

Head Balance Workshop

Learn why the head balance is the ‘King’ of the asanas.  

Students will learn how the head balance and shoulder stand work together to balance the autonomic nervous system, reverse the flow of energy, and help us to turn inward.  We will also discuss how the head balance is good for the circulatory system and especially good for the heart.  

Students will review anatomy, learn about the muscles involved in the head balance poses, practice beginner, intermediate, and advanced head balance poses, head balance pose vinyasas, and discuss sequencing and the purpose of the head balance poses in a yoga class.  

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  You don’t need to be an advanced yogi to attend.  Advanced variations and transitions will be taught for intermediate and advanced students and there will be lots of modifications and easier variations for beginners.  Excellent for yoga teachers and yoga students, and for anyone who wants to learn more about practicing the head balance safely. 

Hip Opening Workshop

You do not need to be a flexible yogi to attend!  

One of the reasons we need to open the hips is to protect the low back and the knees, create more balance in the body, and to prevent future injuries.  

Students will review anatomy, learn about the muscles involved in hip opening, breakdown beginner, intermediate, and advanced poses, and explore sequencing and the purpose of hip opening in a yoga class and why you might want to open your hips in general.  

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  Students will learn how to stretch and strengthen specific muscles in their body, how to create more balance, and how to specifically open their hips and prevent injuries.  This workshop is excellent for yoga teachers and yoga students but also for anyone who wants to learn more about hip opening and how to prevent future injuries, especially to the low back and the knees.  

Partner Yoga Workshop

Have you ever wanted to try partner yoga?  

Bring a partner, practice connecting with a friend, or celebrate your love for yoga by sharing this experience with a stranger.  You don’t need a partner to attend. 

Setting intentions and practicing gratitude, students move through a challenging and balanced sequence, with an emphasis on practicing concentration and surrender.  There will be lots of opportunities for fun partner yoga poses.  Sun salutations and a challenging warmup lead to deeper inversions, backbends, spinal twists, and forward folds.  

Being a good partner in partner yoga is like being a good partner in anything else.  There will always be some give and take.  Sometimes you will be supporting your partner and sometimes they will be supporting you.  Learn valuable lessons on the mat that you can apply off the mat in your life.  This class concludes with an extended final rest and seated meditation.  

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  You don’t need to be an advanced yogi to attend.  Some advanced partner yoga variations will be taught for advanced students, and there will be lots of modifications and easier poses for beginners.  Excellent for yoga teachers and yoga students, and for anyone who wants to learn more about practicing partner yoga.  

Philosophy Talk & Shiva Meditation Event

Why do you practice yoga?  What’s the point of it all?

Do you want to learn more about the philosophy which informs the practice of yoga?  What is concentration?  What is meditation?  What is Samadhi?  Who was Pantanjali?  

Students will discuss yoga philosophy, the difference between concentration, meditation, and Samadhi, different systems of yoga practice, the goal of yoga, and learn about the many benefits of having a regular yoga practice in your life. 

This philosophy talk is followed by a full Shiva Meditation® practice; with seated pranayama, with mudras and bandhas, where students will learn to work with energy and find balance; deep and relaxing guided yoga Nidra meditation, teaching students to let go of the outer world and the body and turn inward; and, finally, seated concentration and meditation, helping the students to quiet their mind, and experience a deeper connection to the true nature of the Self.  

*Suitable for all levels.  Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about yoga, yoga philosophy and why practicing yoga has the power to change your life.   

Samkhya Philosophy Workshop

Do you want to learn more about the philosophy which informs the practice of yoga?  What is concentration?  What is meditation?  What is Samadhi?  Who was Pantanjali?  What is Samkhya philosophy?  And how do we make sense of the Yoga Sutras and Samkhya philosophy and apply them in our modern yoga practice and in our daily lives?  

Students will review yoga philosophy, discuss Ashtanga Yoga & Raja Yoga, the difference between concentration, meditation, and Samadhi, the goal of meditation, meditation in the Yoga Sutras, learn about Samkhya philosophy, the relationship between Samkhya and yoga, discuss Samkhya philosophy theories about how the world was formed, and learn about how Samkhya philosophy  influences Classical Yoga philosophy, and how understanding Samkhya philosophy can help us to better understand ourselves and our behavior both on the mat and in our daily lives.  

*Suitable for all levels.  Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about yoga, meditation, Classical Yoga philosophy, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Samkhya philosophy.   

Shoulder Stand Workshop

Learn why the shoulder stand is the ‘Queen’ of the asanas.  

Students will learn how the head balance and shoulder stand work together to balance the autonomic nervous system, reverse the flow of energy, and help us to turn inward.  We will also discuss how the shoulder stand is good for the circulatory system and especially good for the heart.  

Students will review anatomy, learn about the muscles involved in the shoulder stand, plow pose, and fish pose, practice beginner, intermediate, and advanced poses, shoulder stand vinyasas, and discuss sequencing and the purpose of the shoulder stand, plow pose, and fish pose in a yoga class. 

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  You don’t need to be an advanced yogi to attend.  Advanced variations and transitions will be taught for intermediate and advanced students and there will be lots of modifications and easier variations for beginners.  Excellent for yoga teachers and yoga students, and for anyone who wants to learn more about practicing the shoulder stand safely.

Strong Sequencing Workshop

Why are some yoga classes sequenced one way and other yoga classes sequenced another way?  Is there a right or wrong way to sequence a class?  What are the essential, archetype poses?  Why are these poses so important?  Why are some poses considered warmup poses?  

A well sequenced yoga class will take students on a journey.  All areas of the body will be explored.  Muscles that need to stretch will be stretched and muscles that need to strengthen will be strengthened.  Both sides of the autonomic nervous system will be stimulated, encouraging balance. 

Students will review anatomy, learn about archetypal poses and pose families, discuss sequencing and the purpose of sequencing in a yoga class, explore different ways to sequence a class, and what informs the choices behind a teacher’s sequencing decisions.  

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about sequencing in a yoga class.  

Sun Salutations Workshop

Ever wonder why we do Sun Salutations in yoga? 

The sun salutations are traditionally a gratitude practice, a moving meditation that says, ”thank you”.  Practicing gratitude helps us to shift the mind’s perspective and let go of identification with the ego.  

The sun is also the lightest and brightest thing in our world and is a symbol of the lightest and brightest part of ourselves, our inner light.  

Students will break down and practice different sun salutation sequences, discuss sequencing, the origins of the sun salutations, the sun salutation chant, and learn about other reasons sun salutations are taught in a yoga class.  There will be time to examine in detail and practice the Low Plank (Chatturanga) and Knees, Chest, Chin (Ashta Namaskara) transitions that are a part of different sun salutation sequences and are common transitions in most modern yoga classes, and time to practice healthy and safe ways to jump forward and jump back.   

*This workshop is suitable for all levels.  Advanced variations will be taught for intermediate and advanced students and there will be modifications for beginners.  Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about the practice of Sun Salutations in yoga.  

The Yoga Sutras - Book One

Do you want to learn more about the philosophy which informs the practice of yoga?  What is concentration?  What is meditation?  What is Samadhi?  Who was Pantanjali?  And how do we make sense of the Yoga Sutras and apply them in our modern yoga practice and in our daily lives?  

Students will learn about the practice of concentration, meditation, and Samadhi and gain a deeper understanding of yoga practice and meditation and the goal of yoga.  

This workshop will cover the first part of ‘book one’ of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Sutras 1.1 – 1.16, in which Patanjali gives a general outline and summary of yoga philosophy and yoga practice, the goal of yoga, the obstacles in the way of achieving yoga, and general advice on how to deal with these obstacles.  

*Suitable for all levels.  Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about yoga, meditation, Classical Yoga philosophy and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.  

The Yoga Sutras Book One – Samadhi

Do you want to learn more about the philosophy which informs the practice of yoga?  What is concentration?  What is meditation?  What is Samadhi?  Who was Pantanjali?  And how do we make sense of the Yoga Sutras and apply them in our modern yoga practice and in our daily lives?   

Students attending this workshop will learn about the practice of concentration, meditation, and Samadhi and gain a deeper understanding of yoga practice and meditation and the goal of yoga.  

This workshop will cover the second part of ‘book one’ of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Sutras 1.17 – 1.51, in which Patanjali discusses in great detail the practice of Sam-Yoga, the different types of Samadhi, what happens when each stage Samadhi is experience, and the experience of Self-realization.  

*Suitable for all levels.  Excellent for teachers and students who want to become teachers, and for anyone who wants to learn more about yoga, meditation, Classical Yoga philosophy and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.