Dream Space Yoga in Shenzhen.

It was an incredible week at Dream Space Yoga in Shenzhen, with strong Shiva Power classes each morning, and afternoon’s looking at Anatomy and breaking down the poses. I’ll post some pictures of the students. It was amazing to see their practice change in such a short time. If you learn how to break down the poses then you can open up what needs to open and strengthen what is vulnerable, you can work on finding balance, and prevent future injuries. What poses are hard for you? What poses are easy for you? What areas of your body are tight? What areas are open? What areas are strong? What areas are weak? Is one side of your body stronger or more open than the other? Where? At what joint? Do you know how to practice to bring yourself back into balance? Learn the tools to bring yourself back into balance and learn how to deepen your practice. I love this intensive exploration. Thank you to everyone for your hard work this week. Can’t wait for our teacher training program at Dream Space Yoga next year. There’s more information on my website about upcoming programs and some big things are in the works. Stay tuned for some exciting announcements in the not too distant future. Namaste.