3rd week of my Shiva Yoga 200hr RYT at Haipoo Yoga!

Big hip opening class to start off our 3rd week of my Shiva Yoga 200hr RYT program here at Haipoo Yoga!!! I can’t believe how fast this training is going. The students are growing so much in their practice. It’s beautiful to see their progress. Very inspiring.

Lots of Lotus Pose in this class and poses like the Pigeon Pose which is in the Lotus Pose family.
The Lotus Pose acts like a mudra when you add it to other poses. Mudra’s are positions we put the body into, or hand positions, or positions for the eyes — that help direct the energy in and up. A mudra works with energy the way a mirror works with light. the goal of most Asanas is to have an affect on the physical body. The goal of a mudra is to have an affect on the energetic body and the nervous system. The lotus pose can be added to poses like the head balance and shoulder stand to help direct the energy back inward and upward. My teacher Dharma says you can add the lotus pose to the head balance and the shoulder stand and it will make the reversing the flow effect of these poses more powerful. Adding in Shambavi mudra is also recommended. If you are comfortable balancing in the pose, close your eyes and concentrate at the middle of the eyebrows. The 6th chakra is the doorway in. Once enough energy builds up at this area you will automatically turn inward and experience deeper states of meditation. We focused a lot this 3rd week on Tantra philosophy, the subtle body, and the hatha yoga practices of cleansing, pranayama, mudra and bandha.